The Little Mermaid
Artful Living Productions, Producer/Director Chris Solimene, and Musical Director Joel Spineti have produced another wonderful Disney classic for the 2016 summer theater season. Jenna Berloni stars as the unstoppable sea-bound Ariel in search of love on the land with her Prince Eric, played by Stephen Michelsson. Helping her find her way are the lovable and hilarious Sebastian, played by Eric Clinton, her love-struck friend Flounder, played by Dexter Newman and a cast of charming sea creatures and land dwellers. Looking to foil the plan is the devilish and delightful Ursula, played by Michelle Rocheford Johnston and her henchmen played by Devin Coon and Collin Weymouth.
This year marks the 10th season of Artful Living’s outstanding musical productions that bring the local arts community together on stage. From professional sets, and a live orchestra, to its stars, understudies and crew, Artful Living has ensures the rich tradition of arts is thriving in our community and interwoven in the fabric of our children’s culture.